Shallot (Allium cepa var. ascalonicum) Kartoffelløg fra Læsø

Ten days ago I harvested my shallots, as most of the tops had bend over. I inspect the roots when harvesting onions. When roots are no more juicy but sloppy, onions are entering the summer sormancy. This facilitate my decision to harvest.

Out of the ground I lay them on netting – this year a metallic gardenchair – for five days in the sun. Now they finish the curing in the garden shed. Sometime in august I will take them into the bottom of our larder, where they store well, dry and warm, easily reached from the kitchen and yet out of the way.

The old shallot are easy to grow and store very well. They are on the small side, but many find the superior taste makes up for the size.

Kartoffelløg fra Læsø is a shallot collected by a member of the swedish seed savers SESAM on the small danish island Læsø. I know some make a distinction between shallots and potatoonions. In Denmark we have never made that distinction, saving ourselfes a lot of discussions. I also grow Kroghfamiliens skalotteløg, grown by the Krogh family a least since the 1970’s.